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Our task

Wothouq eV is a non-profit association based in Leipzig. We are an association of people who have been working for many years in different places in Europe, especially on the European external borders, and who have helped set up projects. What connects us: we have all experienced migration either directly through our own exile or through work as activists. In addition, many active supporters are involved in planning and organization, both in Turkey and in Europe.

A few months before the EU-Turkey deal came into effect, we met for the first time in Lesbos, where we witnessed the dramatic changes that followed on the Greek side. As part of our work in local legal advice projects, the reports from the refugees gave us a clear idea of the deficient state of the state protection system for refugees in Turkey.

In recent years, a stable network of committed people and groups has formed during our research trips to Turkey. From our efforts to document developments on site and to collect information, we can conclude that the situation in Turkey has deteriorated dramatically. With different groups, affected persons and other individuals, but above all in cooperation with our partner organization in Izmir, the project idea arose from which the community center “Yasamak” (Turkish life) was founded.

We look forward to hearing from you if you have any questions, criticism, comments, are interested in cooperation, financial or other support or for further information!


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